
Solana.Unity SDK is comprehensive set of open-source tools to easily access Solana in your Unity-based games. You can install the SDK with the Unity Package Manager or on the Unity Asset Store. and set up your preferred wallet among the available options. Solana.Unity-SDK uses Solana.Unity-Core implementation, native .NET Standard 2.0 (Unity compatible) with full RPC API coverage, MPL, native DEXes operations and more.


  • Full JSON RPC API coverage
  • Wallet and accounts: Set up of a non-custodial Solana wallet in Unity (sollet and solana-keygen compatible)
  • Phantom and Web3auth support (non-custodial signup/login through social accounts)
  • Transaction decoding from base64 and wire format and encoding back into wire format
  • Message decoding from base64 and wire format and encoding back into wire format
  • Instruction decompilation
  • TokenWallet object to send and receive SPL tokens and JIT provisioning of Associated Token Accounts
  • Basic UI examples
  • NFTs
  • Compile games to xNFTs (Backpack)
  • Native DEX operations (Orca, Jupiter coming soon…)
  • Websockets to register/trigger custom events (account change, signature status, programs, …)
  • Solana Mobile Stack support
  • Solana Wallet Adapter