Anchor Example
Learn how to write a simple Anchor program that increments a counter on Solana
This guide will walk you through the process of writing a simple Anchor program that increments a counter. You’ll learn how to deploy this program on Solana and interact with it using a React client.
Software Packages
This program is developed and tested with the following software packages. Other sofware may also be compatible.
Software | Version | Installation Guide |
Solana | 2.0.21 | Install Solana |
Rust | 1.82.0 | Install Rust |
Anchor | 0.30.1 | Install Anchor |
Quick Access to Source Code
If you prefer to dive straight into the code:
Writing the Anchor Program
Let’s break down the key components of our counter program:
Core Functionality
The program implements two main instructions:
: Sets the counter to 0increment
: Increments the counter by 1
Here’s the core structure of our program:
Nothing special here, just a simple Anchor program that increments a counter. The only difference is that we’re adding the delegate
macro to inject some useful logic to interact with the delegation program.
Delegating the Counter PDA
In order to delegate the counter PDA, and make it writable in an Ephemeral Rollup session, we need to add an instruction which
internally calls the delegate_account
function. delegate_account
will CPI to the delegation program, which upon validation will gain ownership of the account.
After this step, an ephemeral validator can start processing transactions on the counter PDA and propose state diff trough the delegation program.
Transaction (Base Layer): Delegate
Committing while the PDA is delegated
The ephemeral runtime allow to commit the state of the PDA while it is delegated. This is done by calling the commit_accounts
Transaction (ER): Commit
Inspect transaction details on Solana Explorer
Transaction (Base layer): Commit
Inspect transaction details on Solana Explorer
Undelegating the PDA
Undelegating the PDA is done by calling the commit_and_undelegate_accounts
as part of some instruction.
Undelegation commit the latest state and give back the ownership of the PDA to the owner program.
Transaction (ER): Undelegate
Inspect transaction details on Solana Explorer
Transaction (Base layer): Undelegate
Inspect transaction details on Solana Explorer
Connecting the React Client
The React client is a simple interface that allows you to interact with the Anchor program. It uses the Anchor bindings to interact with the program and the MagicBlock SDK to interact with the Ephemeral Rollup session.
Source Code: React Client
Iframes only work with some wallets (e.g. Backpack). Alternatively, try the deployed demo here: https://main—
Ephemeral Endpoint Configuration
To interact with the Ephemeral Rollup session, you need to configure the appropriate endpoint:
For devnet, use the following ephemeral endpoint:
For mainnet, please reach out to the MagicBlock team to receive the appropriate endpoint.
Make sure to update your client configuration to use the correct endpoint based on your development or production environment.
Currently the routing to different endpoints needs to be done manually. These
public RPC endpoints are currently free and supported for development:
Solana Devnet:
ER Devnet:
A smart RPC router for
automatic routing is under development.
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