Forever Games or fully on-chain games refer to those games whose state and logic run entirely on a blockchain. Along the spectrum of blockchain integrations, this is the most extreme case where your whole game is built on-chain.

There are several reasons why building your game entirely on-chain can be advantageous.

Persistency - To begin with, you won’t have to deal with a server. The blockchain is your server and any application running on top of it will inherit its persistency and censorship-resistance properties. Provided the blockchain is actually decentralized and nodes have the economic incentive to keep adding blocks, you can build games that run *forever.

UGC/UGL - On-chain games lower the barrier for user-generated content (UGC) and user-generated logic (UGL). It’s very easy for creators to be paid royalties or microtransactions for the content they add to your game. When it comes to the logic, if it is executed by smart contracts that enforce rules and/or execute actions, anyone can transparently and permissionlessly alter the mechanics of that game, leading to the emergence of new dynamics that the original developer may not have foreseen. Users become an active demiurge of that world - they are not only playing the game but actively shaping it.

Crypto-primitives - Your game is natively plugged in a rich system of protocols, dapps, smart contracts that you can freely and permissionlessly acces to enrich your players experience. Defi primitives for in-game economies, identity systems, governance tools, the list goes on and on. You can integrate with most of these primitives even with a traditional client-server architecture, but the advantage of being already on-chain is precisely that you don’t need any integration, they are already available by default. We think we might even see the emergence of new game-specific primitives (i.e. a novel governance layer for managing in-game resources across guilds/rival factions).

Ultimately, we think on-chain games will unlock a new chapter of play, allowing players and game developers to collaborate in the creation of infinitely extendible and customizable game experiences.

What about other games?

Many Web3 games (in fact most of them) will only shift limited aspects of the gameplay on-chain. This is OK! While we are excited about on-chain games, it ultimately boils down to the players’ preferences. Check out the games that are built on our ecosystem with our open-source infrastructure.

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